Sunday, 24 August 2008

Word play

I always thought the two different spellings of center and centre are two different words with two different meanings. Somehow I got the picture that center meant the middle part of something while centre referred to a place or a building. Hahaha... I wonder how many times I've made a fool of myself over this.

Those two words are actually the same, with the former being the American spelling and the latter is the Queen's English.

Friday, 22 August 2008

In a griping mood

KKN is finally over... thank god!

Around this time, other people most probably would still be reminiscing & gushing about their KKN experience. Memories painted prettier than they actually are. Or that's just me being a sour grape. Whaaaaatever...

For me, KKN has certainly been one hell of an experience. "One part best, three parts stress". Think I'm being melodramtic? Again, whaaaaatever...

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Looks like you didn't embrace your KKNship. Why so negative? You have to open up to new experiences, adapt to new situations, mix with the locals, and the most important thing of all... be sincere in what ever you do...

Oh please, if only it were that easy.

Again, for the third time, whaaaaateveeerrrr.....

I need to work off this bad energy first before I can start my own reminiscence. Maybe I'll tweak the layout a bit. Change a few colours, add new widgets. I've been meaning to but had to put it on hold due to... KKN! (humph! more trouble than its worth).

Ooohh... too much Yin energy in me. Must find my center, create a balance...
Breathe in... breathe out...
Breathe in... breathe out...



designer : anniebluesky :