Sunday, 24 August 2008

Word play

I always thought the two different spellings of center and centre are two different words with two different meanings. Somehow I got the picture that center meant the middle part of something while centre referred to a place or a building. Hahaha... I wonder how many times I've made a fool of myself over this.

Those two words are actually the same, with the former being the American spelling and the latter is the Queen's English.


Dydee Alwi said...

i wondered the same thing years ago..

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

salam perjuangan...

same la kes colour dan color

Anonymous said...

hoo yeke~ saya baru tahu~ hehe... sy ingatkan dua2 tu sama, rupanya dtg dr kampong halaman berbeza~


designer : anniebluesky :